Impact test report

What does an impact test measure?

What is ImPACT? ImPACT is an objective tool to support trained healthcare providers in making sound return to activity decisions following concussions. It's a computerized test that measures memory, attention span, visual and verbal problem solving.

How do you do an impact test?

A pivoting arm is raised to a specific height (constant potential energy) and then released. The arm swings down hitting a notched sample, breaking the specimen. The energy absorbed by the sample is calculated from the height the arm swings to after hitting the sample.

How do you read Charpy test results?

1:364:56Charpy Impact Test – YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipExactly at the first reversal point the pendulum again only has potential energy which is M times GMoreExactly at the first reversal point the pendulum again only has potential energy which is M times G times small H the energy that has been absorbed by the specimen is called knotch impact energy kV.

What questions are on an ImPACT test?

This section of the ImPACT test asks questions about the athlete's most recent concussion date, hours slept last night, and current medications. Then the athlete is to rate the current severity of 22 concussion symptoms via a 7-point Likert scale.

How long is an ImPACT test good for?

Depending on your age and injury history, we recommend baseline testing every 1-2 years for anyone who is active in sports.

What kind of questions are on the impact test?

This section of the ImPACT test asks questions about the athlete's most recent concussion date, hours slept last night, and current medications. Then the athlete is to rate the current severity of 22 concussion symptoms via a 7-point Likert scale.

How is impact toughness measured?

The impact toughness of a metal is determined by measuring the energy absorbed in the fracture of the specimen. This is simply obtained by noting the height at which the pendulum is released and the height to which the pendulum swings after it has struck the specimen .
